Entertainment Earth

Tagged: Marvel Comics


ABC Announces Marvel’s The Inhumans TV Series

Marvel Television has announced the first season of an Inhumans TV series from Marvel, ABC and IMAX (yes that IMAX). Marvel’s the Inhumans will be released as a full series on ABC with the first...


The Unworthy Thor # 1 Spoilers

It’s finally here, the story of the real Thor Odinson who simply wants to be referred to as Odinson; its storytime via The Unworthy Thor # 1 spoilers. So in this issue written by Jason Aaron and Olivier Coipel we catch...


Death of X # 2 Spoilers

Last week’s issue of Death of X was pretty nice and moved things clearly towards Inhumans vs X-Men, so without further delays, we give you Death of X # 2 Spoilers. You might want to read...