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Tomb Raider Trailer 2 Now Online

Her destiny will be fulfilled. Alicia Vikander is Lara Croft in Warner Bros. Pictures’ new action adventure Tomb Raider, the story that will set her on a path toward becoming a global hero. Check...


Castlevania Season 2 Announced by Netflix

Here’s our first salvo of Castlevania season 2 news! So that’s right, Warren Ellis and the Belmonts will be back for Castlevania season 2 for Netflix. The first season of Castlevania was released last...


Inhumans Looks to be Cancelled

Spoiler.TV is leading the rumor mills that ABC’s Inhumans has been cancelled. The series was first released as an IMAX feature on September 1 before being released on ABC. Fans and reviewers gave the...