Enjoy More of Big Bad Wolf Book Sale 201 with PayMaya
I recently got the chance to try out the benefits of using Paymaya during the recently concluded Big Bad Wolf 2019 Book Sale which happened at the World Trade Center in Pasay City. And I have to say it was the most convenient thing that happened during my visit and that I wish they would return as partners with BBW next year.
I was determined to beat my previous record for BBW which was a whooping Php4000 for baby books and zero comics. Yes, I kid you not, we overshopped on baby books and kids books for our daughter. It did not help also that we went to the massive book sale on the last day of the event which meant that we’ll have “latak”.
Anyway, first hurdle to get past, the lines.
Lucky for us, we went there Saturday afternoon. There was no line. Direcho pasok and only a few annoying people who stop suddenly to take “selfies”.
So anyway, let me give you a gallery’s worth of graphic novels I spotted while the book sale was happening.
And if you’re not really shopping for comic books, there’s still a lot of geek related stuff you can pick up from various fandoms like Star Wars, Game of Thrones and Harry Potter.
I ended up getting something for myself which happens to be the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice artbook…
… Let’s not get started on this though. Its still a good movie saved for the silliness of the Martha scene.
Now where does Paymaya come into all of this? The whole sale was partnered up with Lazada so you can make payments using the PayMaya app on your phone, and scanning the PayMaya QR codes found in the cashier.
Even better during that I went there, was the fact that they had special cashiers that could do PayMaya QR payments. It made things super easy and super fast. The 1 hour wait time was reduced to just 15 minutes.
So ayun, ending was it was a hassle-free experience. We even got a nice eco-bag/loot bag from PayMaya.