Entertainment Earth

21st Century Fox in talks to Sell Majority of IPs to Disney (AvX Anybody)

CNBC reports that there are currently ongoing talks between 21st Century Fox (the main company that owns 20th Century Fox) and the Walt Disney Company.

There’s a loooooooooooooonnnnnnggggg discussion on what it would mean but to save you time, here’s the tl;dr version of the talk:

  • Fox is selling most of their “stuff” to the Walt Disney Company. This would include all the film rights that they have right now.
  • Disney is more than willing to take that off their hands, because let’s face it, the company’s a juggernaut. Whether its good or bad is relative.
  • Fox will focus more on news and sports content
  • Disney won’t touch that too because they already have under their belt ABC and ESPN (Fox has Fox News and FOX Sports)
  • Other channels and content thatĀ may beĀ eaten up if the selling pushes through includes Sky, Star, National Geographic and FX.

Now that the finer details are done, let’s talk about the possibilities.

Fox currently has the rights to the X-Men AND Fantastic Four franchise. Marvel has everything else including the Avengers and the MCU. IF Disney gets a hold of the Fox properties, that would mean that Wolverine and the Human Torch would return to Marvel’s lot. So there’s a possibility for an Avengers vs X-Men or AvX movie.

That would also mean we could get to see Deadpool roaming around the MCU; perhaps he could even kill it?

While we can already savor the possibilities, us fanboys and fangirls should first wait for whatever happens to these “talks” they are currently having.

I’d definitely say that we ought to take a closer look and even set alarms whenever this topic gets mentioned online because, goddamnit, this is going to be HUGE if it pushes through.

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