Playstation VR Hits 915,000 Units Worldwide, Promises Hundreds More for 2017
Congratulations are in order for Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited Singapore Branch or SIES has recently announced that the Playstation VR or PS VR has hit 915,000 units sold worldwide as of early half of February.
Andrew House, Global CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment says:
Since its October launch, PS VR continues to be well received by people around the world thanks to the high quality, revolutionary VR experience it offers. With more than 53.4million*2 PS4 units sold through globally we firmly believe PlayStation VR will take the lead position in the VR market. We are increasing production to meet demand and will continuously support content developers as they create innovative VR experiences that are only possible on PlayStation.
The PS VR system, which is currently available in over 64 countries and regions, has reached an unparalleled number of units sold with the number of developers and game publishers relying on the system doubling. In the same time both small and big time publishers. In fact even entertainment companies across movies and music.
Would you believe that there are more than 220 software titles and content in development for the Playstation VR system with games coming out including Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XV, Steel Combat, Bandai Namco’s Tekken 7. SCIE promises that by the end of 2017 over 100 new software titles and experiences would have hit the market.