Batman # 33 – Bruce and Selina’s Unfinished Business
With Catwoman saying yes to Batman at the end of War of Jokes and Riddles, we start a new story arc written by Tom King with interior art by Joelle Jones entitled “Rules of Engagement”. Major spoilers from Batman # 33 which is also ‘Engagement’s’ first part.
We open this issue with Batman and Catwoman in the desert. We can even see that DC Comics had made the Knightmare costume canon.
We also get a sweet moment between the two…
We don’t have any real clue what the pair is doing in the desert in Batman # 33 but King slowly peels away the layers to the story. We find out that Batman is looking for something or someone. And that thing or person is in a place called Khadym.
“Dick Grayson is an idiot”. Yeah tell us something we don’t know kind sir.
The next scene involves Catwoman showing her superiority against the guy. Not putting the scans because its best enjoyed with the full context.
Batman # 33 also shows how much Batman worries whenever he’s dealing with his former lover Talia Al Ghul, who also happens to be Damian Wayne aka Robin’s mom.

Talia Al Ghul appears in Batman # 33
This issue ends with an ominous appearance, one that’s also sexy and scary. Talia Al Ghul returns to the Batman family in some way.
Excited definitely for part 2 of Rules of Engagement.