One Piece Chapter 1099 – Why Kuma agreed to become a cyborg
Spoilers for One Piece chapter 1099. Here’s why Bartholomew Kuma became the cyborg that we know.

In the latest chapter of One Piece we finally found out what made Kuma agree with the Marines’ plan to turn him into a cyborg and the template for the weapon they would use in the Marineford arc and beyond.

You see Kuma took care of Ginny’s daughter Bonney while in Sorbet Kingdom. But when Bonney started developing the same sicknesses that killed her mom known as Sapphire Scales, he went on a mission around the world to find a cure. After meeting Monkey D. Dragon and the rest of the Revolutionary Army, he gets a lead on Dr. Vegapunk and his whereabouts.
It’s implied that Vegapunk and Kuma have met and he later brings Bonney to Vegapunk to see if he can cure the child. Vegapunk says that it’s possible to cure Bonney but it’ll cost him.

Vegapunk offers another suggestion. Bonney gets treatment but Bartholomew Kuma needs to agree to be experimented on to become the template for the soldiers that the Marines plan to make. And because Kuma’s last of the Buccaneer, he could be the perfect specimen to clone from.

And this is also where the name Pacifistas come from, Kuma’s pacifistic ways.
Oda is definitely giving us more reasons to admire and respect Kuma, not to mention give a deeper understanding of those things he did pre-timeskip especially disassembling the Strawhat crew and sending them to where they need to be to train for the next two years.