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Spider-Man: Far From Home Review (NON SPOILER)

For this Spider-Man: Far From Home review, can I just say that Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures just found a way to expand everything not just about the MCU Spider-Man but also how the Marvel Cinematic Universe moves forward after the Infinity Saga. The film stars Tom Holland, Jake Gylenhaal and Samuel L. Jackson. Directed by Jon Watts, the movie opens July 3.

This is a non-spoiler review for Spider-Man: Far From Home so relax.

That being said, let’s do this.

The movie picks up 8 months after the events of Avengers: Endgame and the world is slowly getting back together again. The victims of “The Blip” kind of return to their lives with some of them ending up being homeless; including Peter Parker and Hot May oh sorry, Aunt May (Marisa Tomei). Spidey’s debate team goes on tour of Europe while Nick Fury deals with a global threat together with a new hero calling himself Mysterio. And as their two paths collide, Spider-Man grows up, finds love, learns what it means to take on a legacy and making up for major blunders.

And fans will love the movie for that.

The Good

Tom Holland is as much endearing here just like he was with Spider-Man: Homecoming. He’s grieving and still missing Tony Stark but he’s realized an important lesson, he needs to stop procrastinating and do things. All throughout the film, we see him going through a roller coaster of emotions from happy to mopey to annoyed and this is just the life that the MCU Peter Parker leads. Zendaya as MJ gets a bigger push here as opposed to the last movie.

Jake Gylenhaal as Mysterios is likeable and charming. And that’s exactly what Mysterio wants from us. To fall right into the trap. Don’t trust Mysterio… until he’s a WWE masked luchador… He’s an interesting villain with an interesting and very real-world take on things, particularly how people perceive the truth. Also if you’re a Spidey fan, you’ll be happy to know that THE Mysterio we know is accounted for here with the traps and illusions; only Marvel and Sony found a great way of making it more believable and wonderful to look at for the MCU audience.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland star in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: ™ FAR FROM HOME.

You know who’s effective? That guy Brad. Man, was that character efficient in making not only Peter’s life miserable and at the same time the viewers.

I don’t even need to write about the Visual effects for the film right? But a short statement, it’s still on the same caliber as other Marvel movies and it definitely raised the stakes for Spider-Man.

Humor is another great thing here and while the grown ass men with the students in the trip to Europe are very unfunny the kids make up for it. Whether its Jacob Batalon’s Ned Leeds sudden changes while in Europe to Tony Revolori’s Flash Thompson still being a prick to Happy Hogan serving as a new “uncle” for Peter Parker. Even Nick Fury gets in on the humor bandwagon in this one, very surprising considering for the past 10 years, his Nick Fury was the stoic and serious man on the wall.

Be sure to stay till the very end because the last few minutes of Spider-Man: Far From Home will rock your world, change the status quo and kick open a whole new world for the MCU. And if you don’t get it, I’m talking about the post-credit scenes.

Without spoiling, I also have to put down in this Spider-Man: Far From Home review that Jon Watts has brass balls to do what he did in this movie; ending it in a feel-good way and then throwing the audience for a delicious and intriguing loop (I’m pretty sure you guys are already salivating with this little detail).

Spider-Sense is also tingling in more ways than one in this movie. Infinity War gave us a nod on this special power Spider-Man has, but FFH brings it home. You’ll see why.

The Bad

Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: ™ FAR FROM HOME

There are a few problems here in the film. First some major plotpoints/ plot holes that are either kept swept under the rug or completely ignored. A few missing scenes from the trailer (which is a new normal trend for Marvel Studios in their corner of the land) and the ever-painful VFX hiccups here are there.

This may be relative but both Martin Starr and J.B. Smoove didn’t work here in the film and they get beefed up screen time and some potentially great comedic moments here. However, both of them weren’t funny at all. I really tuned out whenever Holland shared screen time with them.

Again, this is just me, but I liked Zendaya’s MJ from Homecoming more than what her role is here in FFH. Its different and nice but I’m not sure I like a Mary Jane that’s goth-y, if that’s what you can call her.

Michelle (Zendaya) catches a ride from Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: ™ FAR FROM HOME.

While I love Tom Holland and his Peter Parker, I still miss the dweeby, nerdy Peter Parker or inklings of him. Here in Far From Home, it feels like they shed some of his outsider cred by turning him into a regular kid who just so happens to be smart. I dunno, I just miss the Tobey Maguire Spidey ‘sall I’m saying.

Spider-Man: Far From Home Review – VERDICT


“Far From Home” will throw you into a blender of emotions and will keep you guessing. I guess Mysterio’s fingerprints were all over the place and we were blinded by the illusion the studio and distributors have cast. But man, was this a great movie and a nice way to end the Infinity Saga.

Cannot wait to watch it again when it opens July 3.

Special thanks to Columbia Pictures Philippines!

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1 Response

  1. June 25, 2024

    […] also gives us a clear look at what Fury has done since we last saw him in Spider-Man: Far From Home and teases what we could expect by the time The Marvels rolls into theater. But the human and […]

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