Entertainment Earth

Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp Taking on Hal Jordan aka The Green Lantern

Rumors have been swirling around for some time now but its officially announced that Grant Morrison will be working with artist Liam Sharp for their own spin on Hal Jordan in the new book called “The Green Lantern”.

According to a recent phone in interview with the prolific writer behind “Multiversity”, “Final Crisis” and “New X-Men”, his take will shy away from the usual 12 issue big adventure that spells the end of the universe *cough cough*Blackest Night*cough cough*. Instead we’ll see each issue with Hal Jordan as “the” Green Lantern, patrolling space and dealing with whatever the hell situation they can find or give him.

Morrison was quoted by IGN saying:

The basic concept is that [Hal Jordan] is like a space cop that patrols a sector of the universe where anything can happen. We’ve made it more like a police procedural.

He adds:

We’re doing Hal Jordan where, you know he’s a good cop, but is he really a good guy? And we’re looking into his relationships and how he deals with people.[I]f you’ve got a job as a space cop, it’s hard to be stuck on the planet Earth. He has other lives on other planets. We’re gonna be looking into a lot of things that I don’t think we’ve seen a lot with Hal Jordan before.

On the flipside however, don’t expect to see the supporting cast of GLs we all have grown to love like Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, Guy Gardner or Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. They won’t be there but instead we get to meet all sorts of alien green lanterns, weirder than the next one. That really seems interesting.

The Green Lantern is expected to ship out late 2018.

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