Joker and Rorschach Make Respective Appearance in Doomsday Clock covers
New Doomsday Clock covers have been previewed on social media courtesy of Doomsday Clock’s very own interior artist Gary Frank with reveals for both Joker and Rorschach.
So for those who haven’t heard of the news, characters from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ ‘Watchmen’ are set to make an appearance in the DC Rebirth era of superheroes. Because after the Wally West’s reveal that time had been tampered, Doctor Manhattan’s been implicated as the cause of the missing decade for the characters.
Geoff Johns teases a good story together with Gary Frank with the opening salvo happening in the Batman/Flash crossover story The Button. And it looks like it’s not just the story that’ll be good. Even the teasers for the upcoming miniseries is mindblowing. Just take a look at the Doomsday Clock cover below featuring The Joker.
The first of the Doomsday Clock covers from Frank features Joker with his trademark smile as he applies makeup in a derelict room that feels so much like he’s living in the world of Watchmen. We can also him using Veidt make-up and a poster of a nuclear mushroom cloud with a smiley face in the background.
The second of the duo of Doomsday Clock covers/ art features a stack of pancakes that eerily resembles the mask of the dead vigilante Rorschach.
It doesn’t feel like a cover but the heading scrawls denote that its’ Gary Frank’s Cover “a”. Aside from that obvious look, the art also looks like pancake Rorschach also seems either crying or bleeding from eyes. It’s open to interpretation.
Lastly, while its not new, here’s a third Doomsday Clock covers which depicts Batman cracking open Rorschach’s journal…
…which was sent to the New Frontiersman by the end of Moore’s seminal work.
Doomsday Clock comes to stores November 2017