Entertainment Earth

Miles Morales begins his journey to un-vampire-ness, Vulture shows off new look in Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 24

Spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man # 25 by Cody Ziglar and artist Federico Vincentini.

In this issue, Miles’ girlfriend, the hero Starline aka Tiana Toomes aka the granddaughter of the Spider-Man villain the Vulture reunites with her grandpa.

The discussion becomes a heated argument at which point Miles Morales arrives and gets into a fight with Adrian Toomes.

Miles gets the upperhand until Tiana steps in and stops the beating and reveals that Vulture is her grandparent.

They let Vulture let go and later meet with Misty Knight who tell them that Miles’ current vampiric condition, something that had happened during the Bloodhunt event where Blade the Vampire Hunter bit and turned Miles into a vampire.

Turns out there is probably a cure for the vampiric curse that both Miles and Black Panther aka T’Challa suffered at the hands of Blade (later revealed to be Varnae) and his vampire superteam. Which is why Black Panther was called in to solve that problem.

So this looks like a big team up between Miles Morales and Black Panther in the following issues.

Meanwhile back with Vulture who was beaten, rejected and humiliated returns to his base and brings out his new suit which really looks cool.

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