Entertainment Earth

INTERVIEW: Dexter Soy on Nightwing – What to Expect with the new Creative Team

DC Comics pushes forward 2024 with the announcement of their new ALL IN initiative which includes introducing a brand new alternate universe called the Absolute Universe with a very different looking Trinity including a very imposing Batman and in the mainline books, we’ll be getting some new creative teams working on the books including Nightwing which will have Dan Watters as writer and artist Dexter Soy taking over.

Q: Hi Dex! Congratulations on being the new artist for Nightwing. What did you do the first thing you found out that you’ll be the new artist for DC Comics’ Nightwing book?

Dexter Soy (DS): Thank you! I didn’t do anything really. I just replied to my editor’s email that I am in!

Q: Your art style really complements with the character, should we expect to see some new elements that you’ll be adding to Nightwing and his supporting cast as you go through the book?

DS: I don’t plan that much on having any approach or any elements that I would add on the series. I’ll just go for how the story feels and try my best to bring out the vision I have on how I interpret the script.

Q: Now that you’re doing Nightwing and in the past some Red Hood, which member of the Bat-Family would you like to do soon and why?

DS: I would love to do any member of the Bat-Family really. But I really would like to do something outside of it too.

Q. What are some of the challenges in doing a monthly like Nightwing?

DS: Just like all the other projects, the challenge were always been time management, consistency and efficiency. Keeping a good phase of page production every week is a challenge. Also need to avoid procrastination and laziness lol.

Q. What should we expect from you in your Nightwing run?

DS: Readers might/will see a stark contrast from the previous run. From the tone of the story and visuals.

Q. If you were given the chance to do a DC book where you’ll be the regular artist for a long long time what would that book be and why?

DS: Any Bat book or maybe Constantine that would be rad. I don’t even know why lol.

Catch Dexter Soy’s art together with writer Dan Watter with Nightwing, coming soon in stores!

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