Entertainment Earth

First Look at the Absolute Universe Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman

DC Comics has released their first official images for the Absolute Universe Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman!

This may or may not have ties to the ongoing Absolute Power event that’s happening in the DC Comics with the main title written by Mark Waid but it kinda shares some similarities. But let’s dive into that a little bit later. For now check out the images shared online by DC Comics.

The most appealing and intriguing for me from the Absolute Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman would have to be Batman who’s this hulking massive figure that’s more like Frank Miller’s Batman in The Dark Knight Returns than other incarnation. Maybe a bit of Ben Affleck’s Batman aka Batfleck too if you ask me.

Maybe this could be a test of sorts to see whether Reacher star Alan Richtson could be Batman in this new DC Universe they are building for film and TV.

We also have a very serious looking Superman which Synder fans would like but then again this could only be a phase for emo-Superman. I like the design definitely.


I have zero expectations and happy to read this new take on DC’s superheroes. It does feel like they don’t have a proper Justice League team yet which is also good considering how the New 52 fumbled the ball with this but that’s an all together different topic.


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2 Responses

  1. July 30, 2024

    […] which includes introducing a brand new alternate universe called the Absolute Universe with a very different looking Trinity including a very imposing Batman and in the mainline books, we’ll be getting some new […]

  2. July 31, 2024

    […] I am also not complaining about Diana brandishing a buster sword and swinging that around. Hopefully the Absolute Universe won’t turn her into a blood-thirsty killer because that’s already something that the Absolute Batman character is giving off based on the initial artwork that was shared online featuring the Absolute Universe Trinity. […]

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