Marvel releases Red Goblin trailer
Marvel has released a new Red Goblin trailer to help hype up the comic book
Check out the first issue’s cover and Red Goblin trailer down below:
Check out the trailer below:
In his first appearance, the Red Goblin bonded with Norman Osborn and terrorized Peter Parker and the rest of his supporting cast. Osborn’s attack even led to a temporary death of Flash Thompson before being ultimately taken down by Spider-Man in Amazing Spider-Man # 800!
So in this new ongoing, we will be getting a new host for the Red Goblin symbiote and that would be Norman Osborn’s grandson, Normie Osborn. And in case you forgot already, Normie was part of the King in Black storyline where the god of the symbiotes, Knull went to Earth to personally track down and kill the Venom symbiote’s host Eddie Brock and his son Dylan Brock. With Knull defeated, Eddie had to assume the role as the leader of the symbiotes leaving Dylan on Earth as the new Venom host. Turns out Dylan isn’t the only one getting his own symbiote as his friend Normie also gets one, and it happens to be the “son” of the Venom symbiote, Carnage.
Gonna give this title a try when it comes out.