Entertainment Earth

Spiderhead Review

Here’s my Spiderhead review which is now streaming on Netflix and stars Chris Hemsworth, Miles Teller, Jurnee Smolett and more! The film is directed by Joseph Kosinski (Top Gun Maverick).

This flick is based on the novel “Escape from Spiderhead” from George Saunders. And tells the story of convicts that are stuck in an island and getting experimented on with various drugs all to further the business until something happens that pretty much burns the whole system down.

So that acting’s pretty standard here except for Miles Teller who is always excellent. He gets the lusty and rageful acting down pat while at the same time also shows his softer side from time to time.

There’s very little action and more thrills here although it’s not much.

Chris Hemsworth is channeling a number of his past roles. As pharma boss Steve, Chris Hemsworth dresses and looks like his Kevin role from Ghostbusters while acting like this smug jerk. He does however nails some key sequences in this film especially when it comes to being this heartless bastard who treats people like lab experiments.

Miles Teller and Jurmee Smolett don’t have chemistry in this flick although they are pretty good in delivering their lines. Again, good enough to move the story forward but not enough to make you really care but not good enough to really keep you invested. I swear I had a hankering for watching Top Gun: Maverick again because of Teller’s performance here. But at least he’s starting to go down the path of decent Hollywood star. But he really needs to pick his projects man.

There are a number of twists here that you can see a mile away. Maybe its the writing or maybe its just so obvious. Won’t spoil anything but I bet you can figure it out already as soon as you hit play on the film.


I have to admit I dug their musical selections. And given the director’s penchant for music as you can hear from Top Gun: Maverick, you can expect a lot of good music here in this flick. We also have some stuff like Hall and Oats and more. Its a little weird though to have some songs play in the climax that kind of don’t connect anywhere at all. Or maybe that was the whole intention for that segment.

Score – 7/10

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