Entertainment Earth

Mervin Malonzo gets directing award at the Paris International Animation Film Festival for Ella Arcangel

Tabi Po’s Mervin Malonzo recently got a directing award at the PIAFF or the Paris International Animation Film Festival for his work on adapting Julius Villanueva’s Ella Arcangel

Check out the PIAFF post below:

And here’s the first episode of Ella Archangel/ Ella Arcangel

Ella Arcangel: Lullaby In The Dark

Jepoy’s dog Whitey has been missing for five days. When they finally found her, she is weak and almost dying. Upon inspection, they saw something peculiar latched in her belly, a small black creature. What would happen if this parasite-like creature transfers to a person? There’s only one person who can help. Her name is Ella Arcangel, the girl mambabarang (witch) of Barangay Masikap.

Based on the comic by Julius Villanueva and animated by Mervin Malonzo, Ella Arcangel is a series of stories that is set in a strange community called Barangay Masikap where both humans and monsters struggle for survival in a small portion of the big city.

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