Batman: Caped Crusader animated series announced for HBO Max and Cartoon Network with Matt Reeves, Bruce Timm and J.J. Abrams
A new animated Batman series has been announced today called Batman: Caped Crusader with Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves working together to create the series.
Check out the full poster for Batman: Caped Crusader below:
The show is being produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Bad Robot Productions and 6th & Idaho, with The Batman‘s Matt Reeves, Batman: The Animated Series‘ Bruce Timm and J.J. Abrams executive producing. Two of these three people involved are already known by Bat-fans. Matt Reeves is currently the directing doing “The Batman” movie starring Robert Pattinson. Meanwhile Bruce Timm’s name has always been synonymous with Batman: The Animated Series.
In a shared statement, the three had this to say about the project:
We are beyond excited to be working together to bring this character back, to tell engrossing new stories in Gotham City. The series will be thrilling, cinematic and evocative of Batman’s noir roots, while diving deeper into the psychology of these iconic characters. We cannot wait to share this new world.
Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios President Sam Register also had this to say about the project:
Batman: The Animated Series was a masterpiece that shaped the perception of the character for an entire generation of fans. It is in that spirit that we are bringing together three master storytellers in J.J., Matt and Bruce – each with their own intuitive understanding and affection for the character – to create a new series that will continue in the same groundbreaking legacy.
Batman: Caped Crusader is described as a “reimagining of the Batman mythology” that will “reinvent Batman and his iconic rogue’s gallery with sophisticated storytelling, nuanced characters and intense action sequences all set in a visually striking world.”
I forgot to mention that J.J. Abrams is currently poised to take over the DC movie realm, whether picking up where director Zack Snyder left off or starting a brand new cinematic universe. Last I heard he was already involved with the new Superman reboot movie together with Captain America writer Ta-Nehisi Coates.