Entertainment Earth

COMICS REVIEW: Spider-Woman # 1

Is Spider-Woman worth adding to your pull list? Here’s my review for Spider-Woman # 1 by Karla Pacheco and Pere Perez.

This week’s new title Spider-Woman # 1 got a bit of hype when it was announced months ago. Rightly so too because we haven’t seen Jessica Drew in a solo book for awhile and there are fans who would like to see this spider-person in a new adventure in her new status quo. The former private eye had gone through a lot of changes through the Marvel Now phase including getting a new love interest and of course having a baby.

A superhero starting a family isn’t new to comics but having an insanely backstoried character like Drew having her own family is certainly something we could look into. Sadly, were treated to less of that. Fortunately we get a whole issue filled with action and intrigue as Spider-Woman becomes the main security detail for a rich businessman out at sea to celebrate the birthday of his daughter.

Fists do the talking

What I like about this first issue is that the action scenes do not stop. Drew is constantly on her feet trying to fight off bad guys before they kidnap their target. Along the way though we get some exposition like who she was, how she got there in the first place and why she’s stuck doing security work rather than being with the Avengers.

We also get a bit of action in the form of the Marvel team called Strikeforce where we also get to see Jess sharing all sorts of adventures with heroes like Angela and the Winter Soldier and that too is used for exposition, a peek, if you will, into the world of Jessica Drew and her superheroics.

A new costume and a new threat

One of the more important things for this new volume is the new costume that Jessica gets. It’s gotten darker and a lot different from her last costume…

The thing is, this isn’t just the traditional costume change. There’s something sinister about the new costume, probably a trap laid by an unknown enemy. Another story beat that hopefully has a good pay off at the end.

Spider-Woman # 1Verdict


Great start for this new volume. It’s satisfying in terms of action and character developments and the art by Pere Perez is gorgeous.

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