Huawei Reminds us they had an OS and they just named it Hongmeng OS.
Various outlets including HuaweiCentral, report that Huawei has finally decided on a name and it would be Hongmeng.
According to reports, the OS has been in development since 2012. These unconfirmed sources also insinuated that the OS has been working in the background if fhe past and present models. These sources did not expound on that matter though.
In March, Huawei execs has been quoted saying that the OS was being prepped in case things go bad between US and China.
And that actually happened today with President Donald Trump officially signing the Entity List ehich also included Huawei.
This action has prompted Google from suspending business and work with the tech brand. Eithin the day rumors have also flown that even Intel and Qualcomm would stop producing processors for Huawei.
More stories coming as this is a developing story.