Asiapop Comicon 2017 Day 1 Report
Here’s what you missed from Asiapop Comicon 2017 Day 1. Here’s a collection of photos from the sights and sounds of this awesome popculture convention.
Netflix Hall N
Netflix kicked ass this year surprisingly with Hall N. We get to see all the new stuff from the place such as a Riverdale inspired dinner where they serve Pop’s Milkshake, play around with Stranger Things set and ultimately went through with the Death Note VR.
About Netflix Death Note VR
Death Note: The Virtual Reality Experience is your chance to come face-to-face with the legendary Shinigami Ryuk and become a death god yourself. Featuring the voice of Willem Dafoe, this interactive, room-scale VR experience thrusts you into the thrilling world of the Netflix film, Death Note. Once inside, you’ll have your own personal encounter with the terrifying Ryuk and as you wield the Death Note, you will be given the power to make the ultimate choice between life and death and face the consequences of your actions. Live. Die. The choice is yours. Shall we begin? Death Note: The Virtual Reality Experience coming to Facebook 360 and Youtube soon
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
Asiapop Comicon 2017 Day 1 Booths
- APCC Netflix Hall N
- APCC Netflix Hall N
Asiapop Comicon 2017 Day 1 Cosplayers
Asiapop Comicon will never be complete without cosplayers and this year has a lot of variety and spice. We have cosplayers coming in from all fandoms from video games like Overwatch to comic book characters like Batman and Spider-Man. Then there’s also the booth babes (looking at you Acer Predator)
- Haiden Hazard & her mom in the creator’s booth
Asiapop Comicon 2017 Day 1 PWR
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
- APCC 2017 – PWR Exhibition
The guys and gals of Philippine Wrestling Revolution aka PWR are also here to go and showcase their brand of wrestling talent. They’re here for three days so don’t miss out on them.