Entertainment Earth

Meet the Frank Laminski, the Phantom Lantern – Green Lanterns # 10 Spoilers

So this week we’ve got a lot of catching up to do in terms of comic books. For this post, lets talk about Frank Laminski aka the new Phantom Lantern. This also happens to have major spoilers for Green Lanterns # 10 written by Sam Humphries.


Two covers came out for this issue, both lovely and if I had more budget for variant covers, would totally get the other cover featuring Green Lantern of Earth, Simon Baz.


So in this issue, we see Laminski going through the same suburb where Baz and Jessica are. After issue 9’s introduction to the character, we know that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to become a Green Lantern, or a powered individual just like Hal Jordan.

In issue 10, he’s willing to burn houses and injured civilians for his quest.


So after a lengthy discussion on how to deal with the Phantom Ring plus the guardian who’s been keeping it for so long, the two new Green Lanterns of Earth, Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz respond to an emergency.


Don’t worry, Jessica manages to rescue the daughter before the house collapses, which opens a new subplot for the former Power Ring holder.

Back in Simon Baz’s hideout, Frank Laminski manages to evade detection and finds the Phantom Ring all by its lonesome.



He has this green “thought box” pretty much emulating how Hal Jordan thinks but with a tinge of evil and instability.



Volthoom makes his appearance once again and uses the element of surprise to take out the ring’s guardian Rami by sucking out the blue dude’s emotions. With all things clear, this new GL baddie (I presume anyway) wears the Phantom Ring and becomes…


The way the story was written feels like the dude will become an important character for the DC Rebirth era of Green Lanterns; actually scratch that. I think its going to be a big part of the mythos for the entirety of the Green Lantern books.

Anyway, Frank Laminski is happy that he’s got his wish with the help of Volthoom…


… but that gets interrupted by the appearance of Faz who demands to know who he is and what he’s doing.



Doesn’t end well for Faz and his fate is left in the air as the issue concludes with the new Phantom Lantern whisking away both the ring and Rami.


Great issue, I may have to go and do an entire story arc storytime for this. Love the interior art too by Eduardo Pansica plus inks by Julio Ferreira.

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