Entertainment Earth

Castle of Secrets Game fired voice actors and replaced AI to voice other characters

Don’t you just hate it when people in control make dumb decisions that might cost them their project? Take the upcoming game Castle of Secrets who apparently fired VAs or voice actors after recording thousands of voice lines and favored AI to finish the job.

The developer Serene Questworks Studios and published Wandering Wizard has been reportedly short changing their voice actors and are opting to use AI that’s trained on their actor’s voices to help speed up the game.

One VA had to go and share the problem on X.

X user @IAmMika, a VA, has shared her sentiments on X.

Not only was the VA booted out of the game, she also got banned from the game’s most active community with the reason for the ban being personal hostility.

And yet the game’s decision to use AI for voice work has been ignored. AI should never be used to stealing people’s potential but rather to assist with development.

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