Entertainment Earth

How Video Games Can Help Your Career

Most people who play video games invest time in the hobby as a way to relax, unwind, and not worry about responsibilities like establishing a career or making money. However, applying the lessons you learn from video games, like the importance of developing new skills, can help you build a better career.

What are the most important takeaways and how can you apply them?

Key Lessons and Takeaways From Video Games

Let’s start by looking at some of the key lessons and takeaways that you can draw from video games.

  •       New perks and skills are always valuable. In many role-playing video games, your character will gain experience or some form of currency that allows you to unlock new perks and skills. Obviously, some of these skills are going to be better than others, but nearly all of them will strongly benefit your character in some way. Accumulate enough, and you’ll be able to earn even more currency and complete your objectives more efficiently. This holds true in real life too, and it’s one reason why people seek new skills and certifications routinely throughout their careers. Oftentimes, the effort to acquire these skills is minimal, but the benefits are significant. For example, you can get forklift certified online in just a couple of hours. Once certified, you’ll be able to take on new responsibilities, operate forklifts more safely, and potentially even earn more money.
  •       It’s always worth talking to new people. In most video games, it pays to talk to the people around you, even if they don’t have a massive impact on the story or direct involvement with your immediate objectives. These people can teach you about the world, share some lore, and even give you new quests and items. Indeed, this is one reason why networking is so important; not everyone you meet is going to be a new employer or partner, but nearly all of them will have something valuable to share.
  •       Hard work and practice pay off. If you have any experience playing soulslike games or other extremely difficult video games, you know how much hard work and practice can pay off. Tasks that initially seem impossible start to become manageable with enough iterations and deliberate focus. In your career, you’ll likely run into some obstacles that seem impossible – at least until you dedicate yourself to getting better at them.
  •       Lateral thinking solves problems. We’ve all had moments in video games where we felt like a puzzle was impossible to solve. But in most cases, a breakthrough comes in the form of lateral thinking. In other words, you have to think outside the proverbial box and brainstorm unusual solutions you wouldn’t have initially considered. In your career, this type of lateral thinking can get you out of many issues.
  •       Calculated risks are often worth it. Risks can be intimidating, but calculated risks are often worth it. Many video games reward a high risk, high reward playstyle – even if you lose a few lives in the process. In your career, it benefits you to calculate risks carefully and take risks whenever you perceive a benefit. Sometimes, even if you fail, the experience can work in your long-term favor.
  •       True multitasking isn’t possible. Many professionals attempt to multitask in an effort to accelerate their productivity, but this usually works against them. That’s because human beings generally can’t multitask effectively. There are some games that can teach you this directly, but the easiest way to understand it is trying to play two separate video games at the same time. There are some people who can do this naturally, but most will fall flat in their attempts.
  •       Investments and compound interest work in your favor. Any game that allows you to capitalize on interest generated by your savings can teach you how powerful compound interest is. Most players quickly realize that the best way to gain an advantage is to invest as much as possible, so they can get a bigger return on their money. This may not impact your career directly, but it can help you make more money and gain more financial stability with the money you make in your career.

Video Games as a Career Choice

If you started this article hoping for a way to turn video games into your career, you’re in luck. There are some career paths available for you here.

  •       Streaming. One option is to stream video games live to an audience, creating videos and other forms of content to gain visibility and audiences on other social media channels. Top earners in this category make lucrative incomes, but keep in mind that competition is fierce and most streamers don’t make much money.
  •       Developing. A potentially more viable career path is to work on video game development. You could be a designer, a programmer, or even a musician and put your skills to use making games you truly love.
  •       Competing. Top eSports players earn millions of dollars – but you shouldn’t use this as the basis for choosing this career path. This field is insanely competitive, and only a tiny fraction of competitors can turn it into a full-time career.

Video games are primarily meant to be a form of entertainment, but that doesn’t mean they can’t teach you anything. In fact, with the right lessons, and the right perspectives, video games can help you set a course for a much brighter career path.

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