Entertainment Earth

Easy ways to write a movie review paper

Watching a movie is a pleasant pastime. It’s awesome to lie on a sofa, stretch their legs, take a bowl of snacks (maybe some drinks as well, why not?), and enjoy the following two hours. However, this activity is nothing but a real pain in the neck if you write a movie review paper.

Then, of course, you can’t thoughtlessly watch a film, let alone eat something crunchy. You should stay focused all the time and provide a review in the long run. This often puts a burden on students’ shoulders, which is why it isn’t surprising that many say, “I’d rather ask someone to write my paper online and keep watching the movie peacefully.” While writing a movie review does seem like a taxing assignment, it is pretty doable. With the right strategy, you not only can complete the work quickly, but you can also generate excellent content and, above all, enjoy the movie! Doesn’t that sound good? Read on to learn the easiest ways to complete the assignment.

The purpose of a movie review

Before writing a movie review, it would be reasonable to remind you of the paper’s purpose. Film reviews inform the readers about the movie, its ideas, and unique elements that make the entire piece exciting and worth watching. Although it might be simple, many writers misunderstand the paper’s aim. Instead of analyzing the movie and being objective and unbiased, they often summarize films. As a result, their writings score low because they are not reviews but synopses.

You should remember that the task requires analyzing film and providing a credible opinion backed up with facts. Your review determines whether your audience will watch the movie after reading the paper. Plus, remember that you demonstrate–and improve–your analytical and critical thinking skills and that you can report the event coherently and understandably through writing.

Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at ways to help you compose a perfect movie review.

Ways to write a movie review paper

Watching the movie and taking notes

Remember that you are not a typical consumer when writing a movie review. Other than watching the film twice, it would be best if you also took notes of everything you find important. You might want to refrain from that, claiming that your memory is good enough to memorize events. However, people retain only a fraction of the information they receive. Plus, the more you jot down, the easier it will be to compose the review.

Researching the film

A movie review requires more than watching a film. You should also have a solid background of it, knowing things ordinary viewers are unaware of. Once you watch the movie, proceed to research it. Start broad and narrow your research down. Learn who the filmmaker is and what their most notable works are. You can find interviews about the movie and learn crucial facts, like the motivation for movie creation, the obstacles, etc. It will help you with an introduction, so make sure to spend sufficient time digging that info.

Watching again and analyzing it

Writing a movie review isn’t a piece of cake. In addition to plenty of writing, you should also re-watch the movie. This is applicable if you haven’t understood something from the first time. But it would be best to watch it again either way. Doing that will help you find hidden features that can make a review informative. Assess the film, and don’t shy away from asking yourself questions when you find a scene sophisticated. Also, make sure to rewind scenes, pause them, if needed, and look for the meaning on the web. And, of course, you can increase the movie speed to save you some time.

Drafting an outline

It is essential to be accurate and cohesive when writing a movie review. The process of creating a review is demanding in that it touches upon numerous elements, like an analysis, creative features, opinion, conclusion, etc. In this instance, building a layout will come in handy. Not only will it make you focused and productive, but it will also accelerate your writing session. An outline will prevent you from including any irrelevant information that might come to your mind while writing.

Unlike essays, outlines have a free structure (provided the teacher doesn’t require attaching it along with the review). You can wrap up every paragraph or build an outline in the form of an enumerated list. It is for you to decide which one suits you the best.

Staying credible

Film reviews are usually influential, i.e., they have a direct impact on the reader’s decision whether or not to watch a film. This makes you responsible, so make sure to remain credible when writing the paper.

Remember to provide examples every time you voice a thought. Saying that the plot has a hole isn’t enough. You must explain why and mention the scene demonstrating the hole. The same goes for any element, be they interactions, settings, costumes, etc.

Paying attention to unique elements

Filmmakers include their signature to make films unique and make them stand out. When writing a review, consider dedicating a paragraph about such elements and stating whether they are original. Explain your stance, and don’t forget to back it up.

Following the structure

You can start writing your review from the end, moving to the body part and introduction. Or you can kick off with an opening sentence and then go to the closing one. Whatever strategy you pick, remember to adjust it to the structure. A typical movie review comprises several parts. They are as follows:

  • Introduction: includes the necessary info, like title, release date, background.
  • Summary of story:brief recap of the story; without spoilers.
  • Analysis:rising action, climax, falling action.
  • Original elements:cinematographic techniques, interactions, sound, costumes, symbols, etc.
  • Standpoint:backed up with examples.
  • Conclusion:key information, evidence, the film’s success.


Although the structure is standard, every film course can modify it, including or excluding particular elements. So it is essential to learn the instructions in advance.

These are the easiest ways to deal with movie review writing. If you have any other tips in mind, don’t hesitate to share them with others in the comment section below.

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