Movie Producer RINA NAVARRO’s kids age 3 and 8 had COVID-19
Movie Producer of Bonifacio & CEO of Unfiltered Skin Care Rina Navarro breaks the sad news that her three year old son and eight year old daughter tested positive for COVID-19. 3 year old Theodore and 8 year old Rain, who never left home tested positive last week. Both kids are asymptomatic and on the road to recovery.

Rina with kids
Rina is asking for your prayers for her son and daughter and for all the other children who are in the same situation right now on the road to recovery. These are challenging times for the young and innocent children. These prayers also go out to all the other children who are now covid positive.

3 year old Theodore
“I am encouraging people to stay at home, and also to refrain from accepting visitors since the most vulnerable nowadays are not just the old folks but the kids and even the babies.” says Rina. “Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you are totally immune or you won’t be able to carry the virus. Always wear a facemask and faceshield if you are in the company of kids and elders” she added.
Apparently, the family driver who went home on a weekend and came back to their residence was the carrier who infected their housemaid, putting the kids at risk. Thus, following the suggestion from the Department of Health, please wear a mask at home if you have family members who are working or going out. The people who get infected with COVID-19, usually come from family members who go out or visit other homes or those who commute to and from work.