Entertainment Earth

Meet the X-Men’s new enemies – X-Men # 1 spoilers

The X-Men are back to doing superheroics in X-Men # 1 by Gerry Duggan and Pepe Larraz and its a solid issue too with great art and a great dynamic for Krakoa’s champions. But who are they up against? Let’s take a look.

SPOILER ALERT for this post too..

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At the start of the book, we get introduced to a new villain that Duggan introduces as Feilong, a rich CEO who had plans to terraform Mars and had even received body modifications so that he would be able to live in the red planet. He was watching the events that transpired in Planet Size X-Men # 1 when Magneto and his select crew transformed Mars and called it Planet Arakko.

The dude’s pretty pissed because the X-Men beat him to it when it came to Mars and he’s already pumped to make them pay for stealing his plans and goals.

The main foe for this issue however is this alien tripod creature who just crash lands in New York and opens an avenue for this new X-Men team flex their muscles and show how well they are as a team.

This alien baddie also packs a punch that it even knocks back Rogue, the team’s heavy hitter with ease.

But those alien mechs aren’t the only ones that are set to cause panic and mayhem for the X-Men as at the end of the book, its been revealed that there are aliens in a planet called “Gameworld” who are making bets on the actions of the biomechanical creature sent to Earth. And the mastermind behind all this is a creature called Cordyceps Jones.

cordyceps jones

And he’s not done yet.

I love the design for this character. He’s a real cordycep fungi growing from the remains of an astronaut who heads this high-stakes casino. The design totally reminds me of the Clickers from the game “The Last of Us”.

Also visible in one panel is another classic X-Men villain, High Evolutionary, who had given the mutants a lot of trouble in the past including that time he rendered everybody with an X-gene human although that was only temporary because the X-Men went to space and beat the crap out of him without any of their mutant powers. And would you believe that the High Evolutionary even had ties to Magneto’s twins, Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver?

So there you go. What do you think of these new villains introduced in X-Men # 1? I’m more down with Cordyceps Jones than with Feilong but we’ll see in the next issues what Larraz and Duggan plan to do with these baddies. In the meantime, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more geek news and updates!

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