Marvel returns to the Annihilation storyline with SWORD crossover called The Last Annihilation
Marvel is revisiting their cosmic event Annihilation in a new crossover story called The Last Annihilation which will also crossover with the X-Men book SWORD, both of which are written by Al Ewing.
Check out the covers for the two books below namely Guardians of the Galaxy # 16 and SWORD # 7.
And while this is marketed as an Annihilation story like the popular OG title whicb drastically altered Marvel’s cosmic frontier, this story will take place pretty much in the confines of the Guardians of the Galaxy book. Well except for SWORD # 7 which sees Doctor Doom visiting Krakoa and having dinner with an old friend.
Just like in the previous “Annihilation” books which had villains like Ultron and Annihilus nearly wipeout the entire galaxy with their vast armies, Marvel and Ewing promise the story’s surprise villain will be doing the same.
And while the past stories had a ragtag group of heroes saving the day, this story will feature an actual team, the newly reformed and very powerful Guardians of the Gakaxy which also has a powerhouse lineup like Star-Lord, Nova and even Doctor Doom although we still don’t know how and why he ends up with the GotG.
I’m really hoping this would stick for awhile especially since they already called this one The Last Annihilation. But knowing Marvel this would probably come back in five years tops. What do you guys think? Leave a comment below and follow me on Twitter at @thefanboyseo for more geek news and updates.