5 Questions from DOTA: Dragon’s Blood season 1
We’re already done with DOTA: Dragon’s Blood season 1 and I’ve already shared my review on that. Now its time to do a deep dive on the series and ask my 5 Questions from DOTA: Dragon’s Blood season 1.

Before we proceed, a spoiler alert has been raised.
1. Where did Kaden Go?
In one of the more surprising moments in the anime series developed by Valve and Netflix, Davion was taken down the dungeon by his “brother in arms” Kaden who already knew that there’s a dragon lurking within him. We get one of the top 5 coolest fights in the series with the Dragon Knight who has already killed every type of dragon going against one of the toughest dragons in their world, Slyrak.
After a brief battle, Slyrak flies off and carries along Mirana, Sagan and Marci.
So what happened to Kaden? Was he badly injured? Did he shrug off the attack?
2. Whats the full deal between Terrorblade and Invoker?
While its already been revealed towards the end that there was a deal between Invoker and Terrorblade, it was never fully explained. So its like the two made a deal where Invoker gets to sic Terrorblade on his wife Selemene. What was the price for this? It couldn’t have been the elder dragon that Invoker captured right?
3. What happens to Mirana and her surviving forces?
The elves are splintered after the events of the season finale with Selemene’s forces all but decimated. How will this affect the landscape and what will happen to the world now that the elves have been cut down a peg.
4. What happens to Davion now?
The season ends with Kaden returning to the scene and successfully taking down the human dragon hybrid that is Davion. Now what happens to our main character with his brothers from the Dragon Knights already knowing that he has Slyrak running in his veins. Will he be cut up and tortured by the same people who trained him to cut down dragons or will he be shown mercy?
Now that Terrorblade has been unleashed into the wirld, what manner of atrocities will happen. What possible thing could unite the world and all the races to stop this ancient terror and how will the dragons figure into all of this?
DOTA: Dragon’s Blood is now streaming on Netflix. Check out my Dota: Dragon’s Blood review too to see whether its worth your time or not. Follow me on Twitter at @thefanboyseo for more geek news and updates.