Entertainment Earth

Tips and Tricks to Work-From-Home Related Challenges

2020 has tested the Filipino resiliency in many levels. Starting from the Taal Volcano eruption, the COVID-19 pandemic, and one after another typhoon has affected the Filipinos big time.

Numerous companies started to shift to the work-from-home setup to accommodate business needs and keep up with the economic crisis.

Working from home can now be considered as a part of the new norm. You can now say goodbye to waking up early to avoid rush hours and dealing with everyday traffic just to get to work. Experienced employees may have dreamt of being able to work at the comforts of their own home. What they have not thought of were the challenges they will face as more days pass.

Increase productivity concept. Businessman is pulling up progress bar with the word PRODUCTIVITY on dark tone background.

Here are some of the challenges and tips to help you with increase your productivity at home:

  1. Higher Utility Bills

Since you are now at home 24/7, you will notice an increase in your electricity and water bills. You might need to work in an air-conditioned room or take showers more often because of the hot weather. Try to put a schedule on when you could use the A/C and avoid unnecessary appliances running.


  1. Reliable Internet Connection

Your internet stability and speed are the major make-or-break of your working day. Without a fast and reliable internet, your work also gets slowed down or worse, stopped. Good thing, fiber internet connection is already available in more areas. Consider upgrading your internet plan. You can check out Converge Own Your Fast promo and get a chance to win one-month FREE fast internet. Promo is valid until December 18, 2020.


  1. Setting Boundaries

If you have kids, you may find yourself doing parent-stuff during work-hours. Kids will try to get your attention or ask for help for their online class activities. This may disrupt your workflow. Try to work in a room where you can be on your own and create ground rules for you and for your kids. Don’t forget to spend quality time with your family after your shift ends.


  1. Unlimited Distraction

Barking dogs and crowing roosters, loud motorcycles, horns honking, kids playing and even your favorite taho vendor have been a general part of Zoom meetings. These noises will throw you out of focus. Invest in good quality noise reduction headphones to avoid these distractions.


  1. Outdated Devices

If you have not been issued with a company computer/laptop, you may end up using an older device which may no longer be the ideal hardware for you to work with. Check for upgrade/trade-in options or installment plans for computer/laptops so you can perform your tasks efficiently.


  1. Poor Posture

Some people may prefer to sit on their bed mattress or lounge on sofas while working. This will severely affect your posture and later cause back problems. Maintain proper posture by setting up a table with enough legroom and a chair that can offer comfort while working.

No matter how long you have been on a work-from-home, whether on a temporary or permanent setup, you should still keep an open communication with the people you work with and always know when to take a rest.

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