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How to Start Your SEO Journey

With better site ranking on search engines means more website visitors and higher accumulated site traffic. Improved site visibility also affects and enhances the conversion rate. To achieve a higher site ranking, you will need to work on your SEO.

For most digital entrepreneurs, this can be technically challenging. SEO is a massive subject and always on frequent changes due to constant search engines’ constant changes to make it through their specific ranking criteria. However, with the use of a complete guide, your SEO journey will surely be fruitful.

What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization, also known to many as SEO, optimizes the website to generate organic traffic from various search engine result pages. Optimized SEO improves website visibility, allows more site visitors, and helps search engines provide excellent services to their users.

Businesses and digital entrepreneurs invest in tools, software, or knowledge on how they can optimize SEO. It helps them gain awareness and build a higher ranking on search engines like Google, Bing, MSN, Yahoo, etc. With the right sets of relevant keywords associated with your business or company, users can easily find you from the massive digital selections.

Building your website means you are creating a trustworthy authority and digital presence beneficial for your business. In this case, you can check the authority site system to give you comprehensive details and knowledge of how you can be on top of search engines using the right methods and systemize approach to optimizing your website.

At first, you might get overwhelmed with website building principles and the complicated procedure. However, this guide will walk you through factual and helpful details on how to begin your SEO experience to achieve your focus goal quickly.

Where To Start With SEO?


With the website’s necessary know-how, it helps you make the most of SEO for better search engine compatibility. This also affects your site ranking and secure a higher position with various future results as you move forward.

Step 1. Plan The Structure of Your Website

Planning your site’s structure improves search engine visibility. Each site page must have a connecting text link like building a general page and connecting it to more specific content.

Step 2. Ensure Easy Page Navigation

A website that is search engine friendly has better potential to rank up than not. However, aside from improving your SEO, your site must also be conveniently easy to navigate to enhance their site experience. The faster they find content users are looking for, the better their overall experience.

Step 3. Prepare Your Sitemap

Preparing a sitemap, especially if you have tons of content, makes it easier for search engines and site visitors to find what they are looking for. The right site coverage means improving ranking on search engines too. Create a general sitemap for your site visitors and XML sitemap for search engines.

Step 4. Custom 404 Error

Your site visitor may encounter ‘page not found’ or a 404-page error. Creating a custom-fit 404-page guides users to return to your homepage or find easily what they are looking for.

Step 5. Use Accurate And Unique Meta Tags and Titles

Using a unique and precise title attracts more site visitors. Titles are the first text piece visible to potential site visitors from top search engines. Adding a description of your page through a meta tag is an excellent practice. Sometimes, search engines use meta descriptions to provide relevant content from users. Add a short and precise page content.

Step 6. Improve Site Description

Creating a brief description of categories allows search engines to rank and improve site visibility. With relevant site structure and descriptive content, search engines can quickly determine relevant results associated with your website.

Search engines easily identify image descriptions as anchor text. Don’t forget to add a story to every image on your website or content.

Step 7. Create An Enticing And Informative Content

Little improvements mentioned above can provide a massive impact on search engines that affects your overall website performance. Once you have built a substantial digital presence, it’s time to create the website’s content. With a unique, informative, organized topic, and engaging post, you’re one more step higher on ranking with various search engines.

Step 8. Advertise Your Site

Once you have set all these steps, it’s important to share and promote your content or site to relevant communities from various social media platforms.


Keep in mind that it’s vital to track and measure results. By monitoring your SEO performance through data provided, you can easily understand and improve your website visibility to improve your ranking position through various search engines. Knowing the competition and optimizing your SEO can help you lead the game.

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