More Fan-Art for the New Avengers
So where do we go after Avengers: Endgame? The Big Three are off doing their own thing but that doesn’t mean the world doesn’t need saving. So what about a new group, a New Avengers to be there when the threat is too big for one hero alone.
Here are some choice fan-artworks done for the New Avengers.
Whoever did these artworks, wanted a specific group if characters and thats all good.
Above we have
- Spider-Man
- Doctor Strange
- Wasp
- Ant-Man
- Captain Marvel
- Black Panther
- Scarlet Witch
- Sam Wilson as Captain America
That’s actually pretty cool. And we get young blood too with Peter Parker working as a new “intern” for T’Challa.
There’s another fanart that I wanted to share too.
This one has most of the aforementioned heroes and adds in Rhodey aka Wad Machine. To be honest, this seems like a great idea especially in the MCU that’s left in the wake of Avengers: Endgame.