Entertainment Earth

Punisher Recruits Criminals to Save People – War of the Realms: Punisher # 1

The Punisher gets creative with his saving people in the pages of War of the Realms: Punisher # 1 by Gerry Duggan and Manuel Ferreira.

So in this issue, Frank Castle kills a bunch of different creatures from Malekith’s army including a number of Dark Elves, their dogs, a fire monster and severely maims a frost giant by blowing up his legs. In that fight though, the monster uses a car filled with a family as projectile.

The giant retreats and Frank saves the man in his car and brings him to the hospital. He also finds out that the hospital staff are manually transporting patients from New York to New Jersey via the Lincoln bridge. But with all the creatures about, it could be deadly.

Frank goes back to the city and chances upon a bus filled with criminals who were recently attacked by that aforementioned fire giant.

Inside the bus, Castle offers them their life in exchange for helping him save innocent lives.

Frank returns to the bridge where he leads his team inside to secure the patients being moved to New Jersey.

I like where this series is going. I like how Marvel is building Frank Castle as somebody that can lead in a war and somebody competent. Its also an aspect that gets rarely focused on, Frank Castle as a leader and a soldier. Plus its also nice to see The Punisher being out of his element.

War of the Realms: Punisher # 1 is out now.

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