TRENDING: GlutaMAX and their Current Controversy and Non-Apology
So it looks like over the weekend, the skincare brand GlutaMAX kinda got into some hot water and now they are trending.
It all started with this Facebook post which kinda targets the morena crowd. So obviously this went viral and there were many who stated that this campaign was done in bad taste. There were even some local celebrities that chimed in on the subject.
Today, GlutaMAX as a brand issued this statement. Ok, the proper term is alleged.
I actually checked the Facebook page to try to look for this statement but couldn’t find it. So it was either it was there but was hidden or it was just a fabricated response from people who have a lot of time on their hands.
Still, let’s just run that photo above. And it’s also clear that it reads like a non-apology.
So what do you guys think? Was GlutaMAX in the right or in the wrong here? Also did they actually hit their goals of generating buzz over their brand and their product? What do you think?