Mega Man 11 Coming October 2018
Seeing all these screenshots from the upcoming Mega Man 11 gave me a huge nostalgia rush and it gets better because Capcom just revealed that the game will be hitting stores October 2 for the Playstation 4!
Mega Man 11 is currently being hyped for having a new system in place to help players once again defeat Dr. Willy and save the world from robotic dominance. We have all the classic stuff here like Rush, the slide, and the buster charge. But Capcom wants to make the game as fresh as possible so they added in a new gameplay mechanic called “Double Gear System”.
The Double Gear System lets players use a specific skill to get through tough parts in the different worlds that Dr. Willy’s goons have taken over. Whether its slowing down time to make that jump or “mega” charging your weapon to effectively kill off bigger bots, the Double System promises to reinvigorate the Mega Man franchise.
Mega Man 11 trailer
Mega Man 11 is now available for pre-order and will include a few digital soundtracks as well as anniversary-inspired PS4 themes.