The Hulk as Starbrand in Avengers # 1 First Look
Here’s our Avengers # 1 First Look featuring the art of series artist Ed McGuinness featuring the Hulk who also happens to be the new Starbrand.
It’s pretty exciting even without the text and the colors. So let’s see…
So, it looks like the scene below will be set in the past with the 10,000,000 BC Avengers taking a break. We’ve got Odin drinking and sharing ale with the hulkish Starbrand. In the background, we see the Phoenix and the first Iron Fist.
I’m also not sure whether this is a primal version of Dormammu or another version of the Ghost Rider (without his mammoth).
There’s also another page from this Avengers # 1 first look featuring the primeval version featuring Agamotto, the female Iron Fist and Black Panther.
We then go back to the present where we see a team-up between Black Panther and Doctor Strange, the two investigating something…
What are they looking for? Or rather who are they looking at, is something that will be tackled in Avengers # 1. There’s also a scene in space, in the Ultimates orbital platform where Captain Marvel goes to investigate what looks like either a blackhole or a portal.
Avengers # 1 will be released on May 1st from Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness.