Entertainment Earth

The Main Villain for Flash War is – The Flash Annual # 1

You’ll never be far from a yellow colored speedster in an adventure with a Flash. Case in point, the main villain in this week’s The Flash Annual # 1 by Joshua Williamsom and art by Howard Porter.

This book starts with a look at a 25th Century Flash museum, which also happens to be a crime scene. It’s a revisit of that place where Iris West decides to kill Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash after she gets kidnapped by him.

I do wonder what they meant when they were talking about “Iron Heights” being equipped to handle “one person now”. And why is Reverse Flash also being revered as a good guy for PUTTING whoever it was in Iron Heights.

Now the book goes back to the 21st Century and thrusts the story forward with the relationship between The Flash (Barry Allen), The Flash (Wally West) and Kid Flash (Wally West). It also pushes the return of a classic heroine/villain in Wally’s life and sets up a new status quo for the third man to call himself “The Flash”.

Back in the 25th Century, these crime scene investigators find out the culprit behind the death of Eobard Thawne in this future. It’s then dragged out into the light that Iris West was the killer.

This guy in the hood and carrying that weird looking hammer then sets up the reveal of who these officers are; which I thought was really cool…

But not as cool as the Arrowverse Captain Cold…

Gotta hand it to the creative team, it was a great dramatic effect to have this mysterious robed character, slowly talk about his motivations, his hatred for Captain Cold and the Rogues and him being trapped in the 25th Century. Then he finally takes off his robes to reveal…

Flash War hunter zolomon reveal

Hunter Zolomon revealed to be involved in Flash War

I did get a bit pissed with the announcement that Flash war part 1 would start in May. I really thought we could dive right in starting next issue.


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