Uncanny Avengers # 8 Spoilers – Ms. Marvel vs Rogue; Deadpool Hates Connecticut
Lets check back on Rogue and the rest of the Uncanny Avengers during their official stay at Pleasant Hills for the Avengers crossover “Avengers Standoff”.
The book is written by Gerry Duggan with art by Ryan Stegman, inks by Mark Morales and colors by Richard Isanove.
The issue starts pretty slow with the reveal of how Rogue and the other members of the Unity Squad look like as they live their “lives” in Pleasant Hill. Rogue is our POV character and as the story progresses, we find out how she remembers who she really is and what she’s supposed to do.
First thing she does? Set her next-door neighbor “Chet” on fire and reveal that he is actually the Human Torch. Next they plan on picking up Synapse and Brother Voodoo as silently as possible. Only, things go south quickly.
Rogue tries to get Ms. Marvel’s (Kamala Khan) attention by subtly making her fall off her bike.
Which leads to a fight, a Rogue vs Ms. Marvel fight to be exact.
When Rogue and Kamala return to terra firma, they find out that Johnny Storm has pretty much freed their comrades including Synapse and Brother Voodoo. Cable calls Wade Wilson who was apparently the Magnum P.I. firefighter earlier in the issue.
They make Deadpool realize who he really is by mentioning Connecticut which Deadpool hates, and which causes him to revert back to his original look (avocado has sex with an older avocado)
Tune in later for more Avengers and X-Men related spoilers. And do pick up an issue of Uncanny Avengers for the full story in your local stores. Here in Metro Manila, Comic Oddysey is the place to be.